Flash Cards(AtoZ)


Abase -To degrade
Abash-To strike with shame or embarrassment
Abate-To subside,to lessen or reduce,to mitigate
Abbey- A convent under an abbot or abbess
Abbot-A man who is the head of an abbey of monks
Abbreviate - To shorten, to abridge
Abdicate-To renounce or giveup(office or dignity)
Abduct-To kidnap
Aberration-A deviation from the usual,normal or right course,direction or behaviour
Abettor-One who encourages or assists in doing bad things
Abeyance-A state of suspension or temporary inactivity
Abhor-To detest,to loathe
Abhorrent-Inspiring disgust,repugnant,hateful,detestable
Abject-Mean,grovelling,cast away

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