Affiliate Management System

I have done a Project named Affiliate Information Management in which information related to their affiliates , Affiliate User ,Affiliate order,Affiliate Order Detail and Product all are stored in the database.
In that Project first i have done the coding regarding all basic function like Insertion, Updation, Deletion of Affiliate,Affiliate User,Affiliate Order, AffiliateOrderDetails and Product that they sell as company deal with making board games,online games,IOS games and they sell all these products on Different Different Affiliates like AMAZON, FLIPKART etc.

 Added one more Email To List in Marketing Portal 

In this we have two radioButton regarding the selectEmail and EnterEmail then information regarding all the products ispaid,ispaidPurchase,LastActivity(From,To),
IsVerified,FromName,FromEmail(ex-NewsLetter@schoolcountry.com) and subject box and TextArea
for writing Email and then we click on preview and after that we click send email so that email will get send through that portal.Likewise we have getEmailButton in which all registered emailid will get published. There is blog section in which we have Add New Blog Option with the details such as Name,HostName,VirtualPath,Storage Container Name and Setting option as well in which we have  Name, Description,ThemeCookieName,chooselanguage,servertimeoffset,postperpage,Appearance,No.Of Characters,otherSetting,
to that portal. 

Oaks Student App 

 Shipping Management System 

Implemented logistics solution during the tenure of the project to manage the shipment efficiently.
Developed the software related to product shipment - Caters to life Cycle of the shipment viz Customer,product,Order Details,
Barcode Generation and Invoicing.
n this Project ,Details regarding the Customer such as customerId, name,zipcode,address etc is mentioned and we have add button to get added the information in the observable collection and all the information get stored in the gridview. Similarly we have product information such as product id,product name,weight etc get added in observable and similarly information about order and order summary get added and then we redirect to barcode generation for barticular orderid and accordingly bill get generated in  html format with all Details of customer , product,order & barcode. 

WordpressSite and Blog

This is the blog where I try to capture various thoughts in the form of quotes revolving around the way I perceive life from different angles of technology, society, culture, self-motivation to make life more meaningful.


In this App there is a Problematic User  having details such as CurrentLevel,
TotalCoin,TotalPortion,StartDate LastUpdatedDate  which basically details with solving the problem related to maths as company deals in making Ios games.Then we have Problematic Level Details in which we have details such as UserId,LevelNo,AttemptNo,TimeLeft,
IsCleared, sum,ActiveBox,InActiveBox
which describe the details of particular User Level Details. Then we have Problematic User Answer in which we have Id,No1,No2 where details of User Answer are getting stored and from the combination of UserId,LevelNo and AttemptNo we have unique identification of Problematic User Answer. Then Corresponding to each tables we perform the CRUD operation and lastly done end to end testing.

 Time Table Management System

"TIMETABLE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM" will be useful and applicable by the administrator to manage the timetable. Timetable can be in any formTEACHER WISE,CLASS WISE,ROOM WISE.By this software time management of teacher's and for particular subject will get easy and administrator can manages timetable in few minutes.User (students and teacher) can view their timetable as per their requirement

 Resturant App

In this Project in the header Section  we have Home page, about page Menu page and contact Page. On Home page featured dish with details of featured chef is shown and in about page we have detail history of restaurant and in menu page we have different different menu which also depicts dish details and in contact us page there is a feedback form and contact details. In the footer contact information and social sharing is there. 

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